What's in the Camera Bag Now?

In February I posted on this blog that I was going to have a spring clean of my Fujifilm kit (CLICK HERE).  Since then I have become and X-Photographer and have had the opportunity to test some of the new products that have appeared in the Fujifilm line up and even some that won't be appearing until 2016.

One of the main reasons that photographers swap from a DSLR system to a CSC is to save weight.  Now for me the primary reason is the image quality and the ease a camera system allows me to work, but after taking 87 flights in 2014 and having already taken 62 in 2015, weight has to be a consideration.  I recently flew to Tokyo with Qatar Airways and they do have a carry on limit, even for Business Class, so my bag had to be weighed.  Carrying everything photographed above, plus a second XF50-140mm f2.8 to test the 1.4x converter that has now been launched, the total weight of my Lowepro backpack was 11.7kg - and that ladies and gentlemen is amazing.

So what has changed between February and October 2015?

Today I have the three pro zooms 
XF50-140mm f2.8R LM WR OIS
XF16-55mm f2.8R LM WR
XF10-24mm f4R OIS

The 55-200mm f3.5/4.8 was sold a few weeks ago because I now have the 50-140mm f2.8 with the 1.4x converter.

Four Primes
XF18mm f2R
XF35mm f1.4R
XF56mm f1.2R
XF90mm f2R LM WR
+ the new 1.4x Teleconverter WR

The XF14mm f2.8 and XF60mm f2.4 macro were both sold in February for the reasons stated in the February blog.  Mainly because I wasn't using the lenses that much and I could duplicate the focal lengths with other lenses that already owned.

Camera Bodies
2 x X-T1 + Battery Grip
1 x X100 Black Limited Edition - the camera that started my X-Series journey three years ago this month

The X-Pro1 was sold a few months ago to fund the purchase of a second X-T1.

Nissin i40 flash gun
Lee Filters - 3 x ND grad and 1 x 10xND (Big stopper)
Nikon ME1 external microphone
10mm and 16mm extension tubes for macro work
Remote release
7 x batteries for X-T1
3 x batteries for X100
A selection of 16GB SD memory cars (UHSII type)

The Fujifilm EF20 flash was sold in the spring as the i40 is more powerful and has more overrides that the Fuji flash.

I now have a system that works for me and the way I take images, whether it is motorsport, wildlife, commercial or street.  The X-Series system can be as heavy or lightweight as you want it to be.  I can go for a walk with an X-T1 without the battery pack with the 18mm attached and the 56mm in my pocket.  Or I just take the X100.

Alternatively I can take two bodies and the three zooms (+ 1.4x converter) and that set up will cover from 10mm right up to 200mm (15mm to 300mm in 35mm terms) at f4 or f2.8 maximum aperture.  

If I decide to take the 'kitchen sink' then all in I know the weight will be less than 12kg plus my tripod.  That is the beauty of the X-Series CSC, it provides excellent professional quality in a robust but lightweight package.

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MacLean Photographic run Tours and Workshops in East Lothian and the Borders of Scotland.  CLICK HERE for more details and availability

Jeff Carter was recently named as a Fujifilm brand ambassador and you can view his profile and gallery on the Fujifilm website HERE

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  1. Hi Jeff - looking for the information on the neck strap but can't find it. Can you please direct me.. Thanks..

    1. Steve: Cut and Paste this link - http://macleancomms.blogspot.co.uk/2014/09/review-peak-design-leash-more-than.html - this will take you to the article on the Peak Design straps.

  2. Love the site, and interesting to see the changes to your kit as Fuji has become a more well rounded offering with new lenses. Could I ask what bag do you use to store this all in and work out of?

    1. Thanks Adrian. I have several bags depending on what kit I need to take. I have a Lowepro 350AW back pack which I take on the plane when I travel. This fits all the kit that is shown above. I then have a Tamrac Messenger bag that I put in my suitcase and can use this for smaller loads when out and about or working trackside.


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