New Records on the MacLean Photographic Blog

2016 has got off to a great start as the MacLean Photographic blog reached two new records this month.

The daily views reached a new high with the number of people viewing the site in one days exceeding 6000 for the first time, not once but twice.  The new record is 6776 on the 28th January with 6031 views five days earlier on the 23rd.  The previous record of 5,334 was set in July 2015.

The monthly total exceeded 70,634 views for the first time since the blog began in 2011, smashing the previous record of 54,897 set in July 2015.

Thanks to everyone who takes the time to read this blog.  With the current overall total of 929,151 views, the 1 million mark is approaching fast.


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