Photographing East Lothian: Barns Ness

In a new series of features I will be focusing on some of the areas I take guests of the MacLean Photographic workshops, starting with Barns Ness Lighthouse. Barns Ness is located a couple of miles to the east of Dunbar. The area features two sandy beaches, one at White Sands and the other sweeping around the bay to the east of the lighthouse towards Torness Power Station. The lighthouse was built in the early 1900s, with the light going operational in October 1901. It was built, like many of the lighthouses in Scotland, by a member of the family of lighthouse engineers, David A Stevenson, cousin to the author Robert Louis Stevenson (Treasure Island). The lighthouse at Barns Ness was deactivated in 2005. For more information on MacLean Photographic workshops please visit the MacLean Photographic website HERE ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PLE...